Saturday, December 01, 2007

in 6 sleeps

some people impulse buy chocolate bars in the supermarket check out line.
it seems that i impulse buy travel. and i'm remarkably okay with that.
thursday night i'm flying to la. let's hope it doesn't swallow me whole.


a penny for the old guy said...

um. what.
u are seeing my mona before me.
this is serial tresspassing lady. like... the time u tried to steal anjali, but now... u've totally done it.

also i love u and hope ur all well and also tell monz i love her to bits and can't wait to see her.

Capone: said...

my heart has a beat for each of you...

a string section for each of you...

and occassionaly a flute whispers...

Capone: said...
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Capone: said...

you leave tomorrow... would it be wrong if i asked you stay just a few hours more???