Friday, December 14, 2007

recipe for the care package of all time


Three brilliant mix tapes (okay cd’s. whatever…’mix cd’ doesn’t have the same ring to it)
Pair of soft and cosy mittens from one of my favorite stores in the world. Perfect for my upcoming adventures to the land of minus 20.
Tom’s of Maine natural antiplaque whitening gel toothpaste (there is no going back to Colgate once you’ve tried Tom’s)
FREEZEdried pineapple. Who knew?
Dried strips of mango deliciousness.
Perfect handful portions of mixed nuts and berries. (please apologise to your mum that I ate all of her stocks of these!)
‘Don’t look at me, I’m too cool for you’ sunglasses that I’m refusing to take off inside.
Soap that smells so good I want to eat it.
Candles which I can FINALLY enjoy now that I don’t live with a human smoke detector
Airborne to stave off the cold that I’m always on the verge of.
A cashmere scarf. I finally get why cashmere is such a big deal.

And a letter written on superhero stationary that made tears come to my eyes.

You are the best.


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Capone: said...
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