free wifi panera's fuji apple salad (how can you not love this combo: pecans, gorgonzola cheese, field greens, organic chicken, crispy apples = deliciousness) macs sitting next to a power outlet sunshine streaming in
my blog now lives here.
i have an affinity for certain words over others. i start sentences with 'so' a lot. and although i have a masters degree in publishing and editing i have don't care to employ the rules of grammar or start sentences with capital letters. i like the idea of sunrises more than the reality of getting up at dawn. i am a shoulder dancer. i have a love/hate relationship with my freckles. i often create lists. i do not create lists for things that most people create lists for however, like shopping lists, or lists of books to read. my lists are more along the lines of 'things i wish i had said in the moment, but didn't'.
i love all things related to art. especially the creating of it.
Here it is my first comment!!
You need to come to Boston so that we can take some cool pictures together!!!
Love you!
i definitely need to come to boston again! maybe I can squeeze in a trip in june/july when it's nice and warm? when are you coming here?!
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