Sunday, June 24, 2007

go Kats!

last nights escapades included going to an american football arena game. my very first one. and maybe not my last.

highlights included the people watching opportunities, the fine cuisine of nachos, hot dogs and my new favorite food: waffle cakes, and the fact that our team (see, I even have a team) won. the let down of the evening had to be the aptly named cheerleaders - the kittens - who were actually quite scary and not cute like kittens should be.

i even learned the lingo of the game. and the scoring. well, sort of.

it was actually a really exciting the final minutes of it i was definitely one of those people standing up and yelling. i don't know what i was yelling. but the rest of the crowd was acting in the same inappropriate manner so i blended in. i now know some of the players by name. and i know that there is one called 'bird man' and when you see him you wave your arms in a bird like fashion and make a bird sound. a sound i have yet to master. but i know who you can get lessons from.

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